Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ready or Not

Similar to the Apostle Paul’s warning to the Corinthian church of his visit, we are reminded to prepare for the coming of Christ. What will Jesus find us doing when He returns? Will we be busy serving Him? Will we be reflecting the character of God?

Through teaching 2 Corinthians, I have gained a profound admiration and respect for the Apostle Paul, both for his character and his ministry. In spite of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual hardships, he was totally dedicated to doing God’s will. Because of his commitment to spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have the gift of the local church and the written Word of God. Because of his willingness to be used of God, we have a better understanding and appreciation for the “Abounding Grace of God.”

We ought to embrace the grace of God with all of our heart, might, and spirit. His marvelous grace is sufficient for us each day and in every moment of our brief life on this earth.

This Bible study series has been one of the most challenging to teach, yet one of the most applicable to current situations in my life. I am extremely grateful for the privilege to present the awesome Word of God, which is relevant and applicable to every aspect of life.

May we be found faithful in every area of life when He comes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great message and powerful questions to ask ourselves every day. May we indeed be found faithful.